On Wednesday 19 June 2024, Olivia will go on stage in a production again after 17 years.
She'll appear as Nurse (also known as "A Strange Woman") in the Free-Rain Theatre Company production of A Streetcare Named Desire in Kingston, ACT, Australia.
The show runs for 11 days, from the 19th until the 29th with shows ...
Three new clips have been added to the VCR. Like last time, these are not clips from Bartons, but from other projects that Bartons cast members were in.
First is a clip from A Country Practice, an Australian soap from the 80s and 90s, that starred ...
Today is the official 9th anniversary of C/o the Bartons!
Huh, what? Didn't it turn 35 just last year!?
Well yes... and no. Since the very first episode was broadcast in Australia on a leap day, 29 February 1988, you could consider today to be only its ninth anniversary :)
But for everybody else, today marks the 36th ...
Four new clips were added to the VCR page today for your viewing pleasure.
Now these clips are not strictly Bartons related, but they are Olivia related =)
Three of those clips show Olivia as you've not seen her before.
One as a 10 year old, in ...
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